Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

flashback- layla not fan of dogs off leashes

last month, yet again another dog off leash runs up to porch and bites poor, sweet layla. 

and no, she as usual did not attack back.
but as usual with lots of kisses and vitamin e oil (and several shots), layla is back to her beautiful self.

fedora + olive = too cool

take one- not sure this is going to work
take two- ok, i can wear it on my ear
take three- yes i look good

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

good morning babies

ready for work and girls still all cuddled up last week.  hated to wake them up.

uh oh

why do dogs always seem to want to bite me?  Is it because I am just to darn cute.

poor layla, just minding her business (and doing her business) on leash when 2 dogs coming running sans a walker.  layla was good and did not bite back. 

when are they going to bring me more champagne??

bliss and drool at auntie kerrys

thanks auntie kerry for letting me chase your cat, dig hole in your yard and then hide in your bathroom when it started to storm. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

olive fetch, i sunbathe

i could do this all day.

and she would if i let her. eventually every stick was consumed or sank to the bottom of the lake.

just minutes from the lake

five miles from the lake and as always olive can barely retain her excitement or remain in the car.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


sunbathing in their favorite perched chairs on a super hot sunday afternoon in the atl.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

the paw

olive very often likes to relax with her paw on layla's head.

the way layla sits

not high quality photo, but i just cannot get enough of the way she sits.

ready for work

Monday, May 2, 2011

able to leap tall buildings

ok more like just my bar. impressive nonetheless.

only happened twice and while I should be correcting here, its just to cute to just not enjoy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

car rides r fun

the girls are back!

so have been managing way too many other sites this past year and let my favorite little blog slip into the background, but the girls are back. posting a "few" photo highlights from 2010.

lazy, silly mornings

easter @ the lake

olive looks a little out of proportion in this photo :-) and clearly not happy to have to stop swimming for moms photo opt....